Friday 3 February 2017

"Demolishing the Blue Wall of Silence"

Kimberly Bourgeois, Montreal Review of Books, Spring 2016

"Many enter policing with the best intentions -- to help others and serve their community -- and act with honour and courage," recognizes award-winning investigative journalist Alex Roslin, from Knowlton, Quebec....

From the very first page, Police Wife sensitizes readers to the horrors of domestic violence, highlighting the extra challenges faced by victims of officer-batterers, such as when 911 calls are answered by the aggressor's colleagues....

Police Wife takes a comprehensive look at a complex topic.... It's a substantial reference that includes endorsements from experts as well as practical resources for victims in the appendices....

Roslin's final chapter may be the most hopeful as it confronts the underlying systemic issues, which, if eventually addressed, could benefit everyone, including officers, whose high-risk lifestyles, marked by burnout and exposure to traumatic events, yield high divorce rates and substantially shorter lifespans. "Police families pay a steep price for being on the frontline of upholding our uneven social order," remarks Roslin, who urges readers to face the truth about police domestic violence: "It is a mirror reflected back on ourselves. May we see and finally act." Read the full book review.

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